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Japanese Enterprises In Europe

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We help Japanese, European, Middle Eastern and African people build trust in each other as people and organisations.

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Japanese companies in the UK 20 years on

This post is also available in: JapaneseAfter a three year gap due to the pandemic, my company has rejoined the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in the UK. My company was the first non-Japanese company, with no Japanese nationals working for it, to be allowed to become a member in 2004. This followed a change in…

Australia overtakes China as second largest host of Japanese nationals living overseas

This post is also available in: JapaneseThe headline in Japan on the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs latest data on Japanese nationals living overseas was that the number of Japanese living in China had dipped below 100,000 for the first time. This meant China was overtaken by Australia as the second largest host of Japanese…

Japanese financial services companies in the UK and EMEA after Brexit

This post is also available in: JapaneseJapanese financial services firms in the UK have remained fairly resilient since Brexit, in terms of turnover and headcount – with significant growth shown by the non-life insurers and leasing and financing companies, but less growth for some in the banking and securities sectors.  On the other hand, the…

The history of Japanese financial services companies in the UK and EMEA

This post is also available in: JapaneseBanks Japanese banks first established operations in London in the 19th and early 20th centuries, to support Japan’s overseas trade and gain knowledge of modern financial and commercial practices. Japan was rapidly industrializing after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 and many of the banks worked closely with the Japanese…

Reflections on the past forty years of Japanese business in the UK – what’s next? – 7

This post is also available in: Japanese(continued from part 6) The Japanese consumer electronics companies which were such prominent sponsors of the 1985 Japanese Miracle conference at Oxford University had all set up manufacturing in the UK in the 1970s. Sony was the first, taking over an empty factory in Bridgend, with support from the…

Reflections on the past forty years of Japanese business in the UK – what’s next? – 6

This post is also available in: Japanese(continued from part 5) The Japanese Miracle was the title of a conference held by AISEC at Oxford University in December 1985. Japan’s economic success was beginning to be noticed, but often as a threat, with books starting to appear such as Japan as Number 1  and American unionists…

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